Moran, Kansas
339 N. Cedar St.
PO Box 188
Moran, KS  66755-0188
Phone: (620) 237-4271
Fax : (620) 237-4291
Established 1881


          The Mayor and Moran City Council welcomes you and extends a general invitation to all regular and special public meetings. City Council meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at Moran City Hall, 339 N. Cedar St. in Moran.

          The Mayor and Council hopes you enjoy the convenience of viewing the council meeting agendas and minutes on the website. Please note that the same information is always available to the public by request to the City Clerk at or by calling (620) 237-4271. 

You may also send correspondence to:
City of Moran
Attn: Mayor/City Council Member ____________
P.O. Box 188
Moran, KS  66755-0188

Governing Body

Jerry D. Wallis, Mayor                                                  Lee Roberts,     Council Member
219 S Birch St.                                                                                                                      206 S Linn St.
Moran, KS 66755                                                                                                      Moran, KS 66755
620-363-1957                                                                                                                  620-363-4533
Term 2024-2026                                                                                                           Term 2024-2026
Warren Johnson, President of Council                Nancy Houk,     Council Member
 120 S Linn St.                                                                                                                 214 S Pine St.  
 Moran, KS 66755                                                                                                       Moran, KS 66755 
620-365-9265                                                                                                                620-228-2925   
Term 2025-2027                                                                                                            Term 2025-2027

Kris Smith, Council Member                                             Jim Mueller, Council Member

416 N Birch St.                                                                                                                   440 N Cedar  St.
Moran, KS 66755                                                                                                           Moran, KS 66755
620-228-1871                                                                                                                        620-237-4324
Term 2025-2027                                                                                                                 Term 2024-2026

History of Moran Leaders
Mayors                                                                                                               City Council