Moran, Kansas
339 N. Cedar St.
PO Box 188
Moran, KS  66755-0188
Phone: (620) 237-4271
Fax : (620) 237-4291
Established 1881


Winter Pet Care Tips

Winter Driving Safety Tips

The  Moran Police Department is a full

service agency consisting of Patrol,

Investigations, Residential Security Checks,

Community Resource, Animal Control,

Records and Court Services.

The department is all under the direction of the Chief  Shane Smith. Business Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.

Contact the Moran Police Department at 620-237-4271.

                                                   The Moran-Marmaton/ Osage Fire

                                                               Department is currently made up of 12

                                                                Volunteers. They meet the first

                                                                Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm                                                       for their regular meeting.They have completed many hours of training in and out of Allen County. They cover an area of 107 square miles, from Iowa Road to the Wyoming Road and from 3400 Road to 5000 Road. The Department houses a 1995 GMC Pumper along with two Rural Brush Trucks, the department just received a 2.5 ton water hauling truck from the Kansas Department of Forestry. The City of Moran purchased a 2019 Freightliner. In 2023 the Rural Department was awarded a grant and was able to purchase a brand new 2024 F-450 Brush Truck.


Winter Ceiling Fan Tip

​​Smoke Detectors

Remember to check your smoke detector batteries at least once per month and change them every six months to make sure they are working properly. Although most American homes have smoke detectors, a large number of them do not work, primarily due to dead or missing batteries. Working smoke detectors cut the risk of dying in a home fire nearly in half.